All Children have the absolute right to a healthy life.
We provide care and bear witness to the overcoming of barriers to health and to the realization of the right to health for all.
Everyone should have access to health care, without financial, social, cultural, or geographical barriers.
All of South African’s children must at all times have access to the best possible medical care. A sick child must be able to see a top class doctor or a specialist when needed, receive their vaccinations, receive medical treatment and surgeries if they are sick without exception.
The right to a healthy life includes food security and clean drinking water.
Furthermore in the event of any disasters, natural or manmade, we at Pediatric care Africa respond to that disaster immediately, throughout South Africa and Africa to render assistance.
Pediatric care Africa delivers on our promise we made to children to give them a chance to live and florish.

What we do
Proud to be part of it!!!!!


Times Lives Select - Kids suffer months of ‘agony’ after school meals cut off
A little insight in what we do!

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