Oceans full of help!!

Very unexpectedly, we received a call from David Drehspul of Ocean Basket Head Office and was handed a marvelous and uber welcome donation from:

Ocean Basket Head Office, Grace and David

Ocean Basket Nelspruit Winnie, Jonathan and crew

Ocean Basket White River MP André, Karla and crew.

We immediately started distributing some of the food, as it must be kept frozen and our first stops where Katoen and my old friend TJ Mare at the Mpumalanga Leadership Foundation.

Unexpected surprizes are absolutely the best as it brightens up your day and put a smile on your face, until a taxi stops in front of you that is….!

“Ocean Basket”, thanks to generous organizations and persons like you, we will get through this uncertain times together and keep our communities fed!

We are proud to be of service to our Community.

During this lockdown period, I have learned that being kind is far more important than being right….





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