67.7 Tons of food delivered!

67.7 Tons of food delivered!

A staggering 67 700kg of food was delivered by us since 26th March which translates into 193 428 meals!

As we fast approach our 200 000th meal delivery, we have to pay tribute to the extremely generous persons of Pick n Take Fresh Produce, Mikon Farming and Heidel Eggs who without fail or complaint donate large quantities of fresh vegetables, frozen chicken and dozens of fresh eggs to us every Friday, week after week and month after month to enable us to help others in need.

Every single person that receives food parcels from us, would have received produce donated by Pick n Take Fresh Produce, Mikon farms and Heidel eggs in their food parcels.

You have made it possible for us to feed thousands and thousands of people on a continuous reliable basis, and that is absolutely awesome!!!

Thank you very, very much.

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one”.



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