
Baby food!!

We received a large and very welcome donation of baby food and baby milk from GB2C, and started with distribution immediately as we had a number of anxious mothers pleading for baby food for their little ones.

So many small children are in danger of becoming victims of hunger as more and more parents loses their jobs and simply cannot find employment again to enable them to feed their little ones. We are very grateful for this baby food donation as we completely run out of baby food due to the huge demand.

“Infants and young children have the greatest nutrient needs than at any other time in life. But the bodies and brains of millions of young children do not reach their full potential because they are receiving too little food, too late,” said France Begin, Senior Nutrition Adviser at UNICEF. “Poor nutrition at such a young age causes irreversible mental and physical damage.

GIVING BACK 2 our COMMUNICTY (GB2C), that was started by Crossing Nelspruit during the centre’s 16th Birthday in October last year. Several local businesses form part of GB2C including BUCO South Africa, the Tom le Roux Family, the Omar Family, Caltex Mpumalanga North, Valencia Wholesalers, Valencia – The Home Of VBike, Crossing SuperSpar Nelspruit and the Visagie Groep amongst others.

GB2C, thank you for your very generous gift to the children of the Lowveld.

“If you can not feed a hundred children, then feed only one” Mother Theresa!

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