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Board member: Adele Marais ~ RD Registered Dietician

Adele Marais is a Registered Dietitian in South Africa and have been working in different sectors of dietetics including Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital and is currently based at WITS Donald Gordon Medical Centre in the ICU.

She is also the authors of 2 cancer recipe books.


Regularly attend Board meetings and important related meetings.
Accepts assignments and completes them thoroughly and on time.
Stays informed on common matters, prepares for meetings, reviews and
comments on minutes and reports.
Builds collegial relationships with other Board members to contribute to
Board members must be strongly supportive of the main objectives of the organization.
Active participation in annual evaluation and planning exercises.
Participates in fundraising events.
Board members are voluntary and non-remunerative.
Board members are expected to champion the organizations cause.
Board members are responsible to hire and supervise the Executive Director, who will act as the organizations Executive director and be a permanent employee. Board members are also responsible to establish the salary of the Executive Director, and must ensure it is equivalent to International NGO norms and standards.