Urgent facelift and TLC required!!!

Urgent facelift and TLC required!!!

A new Paediatric surgical ward has been established at Rob Ferraira Hospital under a brilliant Pediatric surgeon and friend Dr Elliot Motloung.

Hospitals are very scary places for kids and we need your help to make it kid friendly and beautiful please….! The sounds alone are enough to scare any toddler and bring them to tears, and all they want is to go home to their Mommy’s.

This new Pediatric Surgical unit is the only unit of its kind in Mpumalanga, and we need goods to brighten up the whole unit, consisting of a reception, 10 wards, corridors, waiting area and consultation area.

All the goodies that used to be in your baby’s room can transform a baby ward, if you can paint a Donald Duck or a Giraffe that you can actually recognize as a giraffe, have an oversized teddy bear and a few litres of washable lead free paint, to transform this unit from dull to gorgeous we NEED you please.

We also need waiting room furniture as at the moment we have none.

Admit it, you always wanted to paint on someone else’s walls….!

Help us to make this new unit beautiful and much less scary for the little kids that is currently using it, and for all the little ones to follow…..!!

If you have a great idee, want to help, get involved or donate towards this project, please contact our Secretary Surika by WhatsApp on 0762295663 or e mail her at info@pediatriccareafrica.org

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