Food for Christmas!

Food for Christmas!

Our food delivery today got off to a slow start due to heavy rain that we are very grateful for as things have been rather dry lately with much less rainfall than expected. We had a quick 30ml rain which was totally unexpected. A few hours behind schedule we manage to deliver all IDC sponsored food parcels to Katoen and Kabokweni just to rush back to load 2 tons for delivery in Lydenburg first thing tomorrow morning. I was told that Father Christmas is apparently also heading to Lydenburg tomorrow to hand out presents to all the Children living at Soli deo Gloria. What a coincidence…..

Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) made this Christmas food parcels possible due to their R427000-00 food grant to us. 250 Families totalling 1500 people received their food parcels so far and a quick math calculation works out to 10 tons of food if every family received 40kg of food and vegetables.

Full tummies for Christmas with no hungry children.




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