Halbisch Physiotherapists!

Halbisch Physiotherapists!

This very charming 7 year old boy with Spastic Diplegia is now entering a intensive phase of his treatment for the next 6/8 weeks.

A very brief description of a few steps this charming young man is going through, as we would love for him to walk and stand.

Step one: Our boy was seen by a renowned Paediatrician at Kiaat Private Hospital and a Specialist Physiotherapist from StepMed for evaluation and then a Orthotist at Kiaat Private Hospital as he will need AFO’s on both his legs.

Step two: Our young man was seen by Suzanne, a wonderful Occupational therapist who volunteered her help and she will continue to see him throughout the coming months.

Step three: Our lucky boy, received a very sleek brand new Wheelchair from Kylah Beukes at The Meyer Beukes warriors on wheels Foundation and he loves it! He is now mobile and he can’t stop smiling. Kylah you rock!

Step four: Before the AFO’s can be fitted to both his legs, he will need to be able to straighten both his legs first and that requires very intensive daily Physiotherapy to achieve that.

JT Halbisch of Halbisch Physiotherapists at the Macadamia medical & Health centre in White River very generously offered his Professional services and between JT Halbisch, Susanne his OC, his awesome teachers at school and his Mom, our boy will do specific exercises 5 times per day for about 6/8 weeks.

Hopefully then we will be able to have his AFO’s to his legs fitted by Neil Taljaard at Kiaat Private Hospital.

So many kind and generous persons giving their time and expertise freely to help our boy achieve his goal of walking.

You are true Ambassadors for your professions and undoubtedly our and our young boys heroes!

We salute you all for what you are doing.

It takes a village to raise a child….

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