Level 4, Mandela day and hungry children!
Level 4, Mandela day and hungry children!
Due to Covid lockdown restrictions and our awareness of the increase in Covid 19 positive cases in our area, Mandela day was a much more quiet and subdued affair this year. Sorry about that Kids, hopefully next year we can get back to normal again.
Children in the Magalela informal settlement outside White River and the children living in Upper Msholozi, Haasbroek and Katoen all received blankets, baby blankets, Nido milk, baby porridge and Genesis nutritional products.
We are very excited to be handing out the Genesis Nutritional Products for the first time to children over the age of one year and to pregnant females and the bulk packages to care centres.
Each Genesis meal contains 55 key nutrients, including a combination of 23 vitamins and minerals, 19 Amino acids, Omega-3, Omega-6, as well the BI0-MOS® prebiotic and SEL-PLEX®, an organic Selenium. It also provides 3 x more protein when compared to maize meals.
Most children are not receiving a meal in school at the moment and it is absolutely critical that all children, especially the younger ones receive enough nutrition to prevent stunting and other problems associated with starvation and food shortages.
Thank you very much Genesis nutritional products and OUTsurance for your very welcome and needed Genesis meals you kindly donated to us, thereby helping the small children in our communities that simply do not have enough food to eat during this very difficult times.
Genesis is a high energy, high protein nutritionally balanced meal, which has been scientifically formulated with 55 key nutrients to meet the nutritional demands of our bodies. It is free of gluten and low GI to keep you fuller for longer. A single serving of Genesis can keep you full for up to 4-6 hours. Did you know that you can provide a Genesis meal to someone in need for only R2.20 per meal? Read more about Genesis Nutritional Products: https://www.genesisnutrition.co.za/