Pediatric Care Africa visits Brondal squattercamp on 22nd of May 2019.

On our trip to Lydenburg Soli-Deo-Gloria Care Centre last week we noticed a squatter camp on the Nelspruit/Sabie road near the Brondal road turn off. This squatter camp consists of approximately 135 “huts” next to the road, that looked particularly poor and in need of help.

We noticed a number of children with threads for clothing sitting on the road barrier next to the road.

This morning we loaded 1 ton of tinned food, 2 tons of blankets, clothing, toys, candles etc on our Land Cruiser and double axel trailer and head off to the Brondal squatter camp.

On arrival we were met by a representative of the squatter camp a very friendly elderly woman, who is the “official” spokesperson for the camp.

We were told that there live about 80 children in the camp with their parents and that they are extremely happy with the toys and blankets we took with. The children got very excited when they each received a soft toy as gift from us.

We delivered our donation at the Brondal Agapi church that was build for the squatter camp.

The donation will be fairly shared amongst all households living in the camp.


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