Presents to smile for!!!!

Presents to smile for!

In Lydenburg by teatime, as we needed to get back to the office by 15h00 for a telephonic radio interview, so no time for coffee or chit chat with the kind people at the Soli Deo Gloria Care Centre.

The purpose of our early morning visit is to deliver food, chicken, vegetables and a load of citrus we received from The COVID Flight, but MOST importantly to deliver the most awesome personalized gifts, beautifully gift-wrapped and with each child’s name on it that was given to us to give to them by “Aunty” Rosa.

The amount of effort, time and money that “Aunty” Rosa must have spent into choosing all these fit perfect high quality winter clothing, for every single child living at Soli-Deo-Gloria is huge and the children was in absolute awe of your gifts to them.

I have never met “Aunty” Rosa, but you made a lot of children’s hearts happy, and that makes you a hero to us.

“In all this world there is nothing so beautiful as a happy child”.

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