We received a call that a 10 year old boy had pain in his left elbow.
We received a call that a 10 year old boy had pain in his left elbow. We managed to get him a Doctors appointment urgently and after examination and referral for a x-ray it was found that the young boy suffered a Undisplaced supracondylar humerus fracture of the left arm.
He was fitted with a sling at Taljaard orthopaedics in Kiaat Hospital with strict instructions to keep his arm in the sling 24/7 for 14 days and was send home with a promise of a ice cream of his choice, if he keep his arm still and do his hand squeeze exercises for 14 days, after which we will take him back for a follow up.
Throughout all, he happily chatted and smiled and was a very brave boy and very deserving of an ice cream.
I remembered when my son had a similar injury, except he screamed the place down nonstop and refused to have an x ray taken, all whilst blowing snot bubbles everywhere and telling everyone that we pushed him on purpose. “Children…..”