Butternuts & Christmas presents!!

Butternuts & Christmas presents!!

18 December 2019.Loaded with 2500kg of butternuts, clothing from Woolworths and accompanied by legendary Margaret Stone armed with toys we sat of to Magalela and Brondal squatter camps to deliver our precious cargo.

Thanks to KMI farms we were able to supply hundreds of people with enough butternuts to last them into the new year as it needs no refrigeration, taste awesome and have a long shelf life. The perfect food!

Margaret handed out soft toys to all the excited children bringing a bit of Christmas cheer into their lives, whilst their Mothers could not stop chatting about the fantastic clothing donation from Woolworths at Ilanga mall they received.

How easy to make someone happy, all you need is a few thousand butternuts, 100 soft toys and boxes full of brand spanking new clothing….and off course the company of Margaret Stone!

Thank you for making their festive season a bit festive, Woolworths and KMI farms for your very needed and appreciated support.

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